You have survived a natural disaster. A hurricane, tsunami, tornado, earthquake, brush fire or other natural phenomenon may have destroyed much of what you care about. You may feel shocked, hopeless, anxious and in a state of despair. Yet you must start over. You still have a life worth living.
You Can Rebuild Your Life After a Natural Disaster With Help From Center for Trauma Counseling
One moment you have everything you need. And the next moment everything is gone. After a catastrophe from a natural disaster, it can be so hard to believe how you can ever feel safe and secure. Yet you have the power to recover and heal from this. You can rebuild your life. What you need most now is the guidance of a trauma counselor to help you through the aftermath of the natural disaster.
First you must know the hard news. According to a report that PTSD Research Quarterly published in 2008 many children and adult survivors of a natural disaster can develop and suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and other mental health and behavioral problems. They reported many survivors of Hurricanes Katrina and Andrew, Thailand tsunami, Australian brush fire and Armenian and Taiwan earthquakes, struggle with these problems months and years after the events.
The truth is after a crisis your life will never be exactly the same again. You can’t bring back what you lost. But you have the power to make the best of your life going forward. And there are many new things you can create and bring into your life. Some of these can be better than you had before.
Brighter Days Can Be Yours Soon
The good news is you can recover and heal from trauma. The quicker you can regain your confidence and redefine your values, the better able you can rebuild your life. Hope can get you through each day. Faith can make you believe brighter days are soon ahead. A trauma counselor can help you in your quest for a new life.
Don’t Suffer Alone. Get the Help You Need.
Trauma hurts. But you can heal. That’s why Center for Trauma Counseling in Palm Beach County provides prompt and effective mental health services for children and adults at a cost you can afford.
You Can Feel Safe With Us.
We listen to you and empathize with your pain. We tailor a path of recovery and healing for you. And we encourage you to help yourself create the life you choose.